
Reading 3 – 08/30/10 – 09/03/10

August 30, 2010

This week we will cover chapter 1 in Reader’s Choice. This textbook will serve only as a guide to our learning process; I will supplement much more material in order to reinforce and expand the concepts located in Reader’s Choice. This means you will need to print out materials which I will indicate here and in class.

HOMEWORK due 08/31/2010, Tuesday: print the following document – Website Questions UHMM and visit the following website to answer the questions – http://www.ushmm.org/

Please click on the following (2) links and print:


European Students Protest US-style ‘capitalist education’ –    

European students protest US[2]

This week I will give you a small etymology exercise. An easy reference to complete this assignment is – www.etymonline.com

Key Learning Concepts this week are: skimming and scanning for information, reading for thorough comprehension, non-prose reading, word study (context clues, stems, affixes and roots, dictionary use, and etymology) and finding the main idea.

We will also have a brief overview of the history of the English language, learning intelligences, and using Cornell notes.

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